Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Ya ALLAH, inilah motor impianku, tak taulah dapat aku miliki atau tidak. Actually CBR 250CC yang aku nak sgt, takpun R6, tu memang wat aku gila sangat. TApi mengikut budget, aku tak nak lah berangan over sangat. So aku rasa ini lah yang aku ley berangan wat masa ini, sebab aku rasa ini y paling murah di malaysia n ramai orang guna, spare part pun senang nak cari. Insyallah aku boleh miliki satu hari nanti, paling tidak dalam masa 3 thn nie. paling awal hujung tahun nie. Hu~~~Hu~~~ (^_*)

KAWASAKI NINJA 250CC atau lebih dikenali ZXR250CC, Harganya lebih kurang 19K+++ tak termasuk cukai jalan dan insuran.Model baru Kawasaki ini sekali pandang memang seakan abangnya ZXR-600 atau ZXR-1000 kerana dibalut dengan fairing besar dan rupa lebih kurang sama dengan abangnya tu. Kalau dilihat trend zaman sekarang gergasi-gergasi motosikal cenderung meniru rupa bentuk superbike mereka untuk dizahirkan ke model-model berkapasiti rendah.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Aku di bulan June...

Alhamdulillah, syukur aku masih lagi bernafas dan bisa melihat betapa indahnya ciptaan ALLAh S.W.T . Hari nie tiga tempat, perkahwinan aku hadiri, depan rumah aku, rumah ee (abang erin kahwin) dan sofia (adik dia kahwin). Melihat mereka bersanding di atas pelamin dengan ramainya orang hadiri, terasa begitu gembira aku melihatnya dan sedikit cemburu, cemburu kerana masa itu belum sampai untukku. Namun bersyukur juga aku kerana masih single, sekurangnya aku belum sampai untuk memikul tanggungjawab yang lebih berat, tanggungjawab bergelar isteri dan ibu. Aku bersyukur kerana sempat menjaga arwah abah ketika sakitnya, walaupun begitu perit dan payah yang terpaksa aku harungi, dengan dan juga tanpa sokongan sesiapa. Walaupun sehingga hari ini, kes tanah arwah abah tak habis2 selesai direbut oleh adik beradik. Tapi biarlah itu perebutan antara mereka, aku sikit pun tak harap. Kerana aku tau tak kemana harta tu, bahagia ke orang yang berebut dan memilikinya??? Mungkin...

Tapi sampai bila??? Sedangkan orang yang nampak biasa pun belum tentu bahagia, inikan pula orang yang memilih jalan untuk menindas dan menzalimi orang lain...

9 June 2009

Fuiyoo letih bangat kerja rini, berapa meter agaknya aku dah berjalan, dulu ku ingatkan kerja ukur tanah nie senang, tapi susah na. Yerlah gpun aku ukur hutan, 50 hektar nak berjalan. Peh, kurus tak aku???
He~~~He~~~He~~~ Tapi seronok la, kerana kita wat kerja yang kita ikhlas untuk melakukan.

Aku harap aku boleh beli motosikal 250cc dalam 2 thn nie, lama juga nak kumpul nie, kalau memang rezeki aku, aku harap aku miliki, aku harap ini y terbaik. Kerana hanya ALLLAH y meletakkan kite y terbaik. Hidu

Friday, October 10, 2008


apa yang membuatkan anda berasa malas, lesu tak bermaya dan banyak faktor lagi yg menjadikan anda bertambah2 malas

kenapa orang kita selalu di labelkan sebagai malas

adakah malas ini sesuatu yg semulajadi or dr kite sendiri

malas merupaka satu masalah yg membelengu kehidupan masyarakat kita zaman ni ... .. kenapa ka malas ni berlaku

cuba la anda fikir2 kan permasalah ini

kerana bila sesuatu yg malas tu berubah menjadi rajin tidak ka itu suatu yg baik ... . sama2 la kita fikirkan

antara malas yg biasa nya berlaku

1) malas belajar --- siapa yg rugi

2) malas kerja --- menganggur, mencuri etc...

3) malas bersenam --- penyakit bertambah2

4) malas mengemas --- rumah jadi mcm sarang pengih

5) malas membantu --- lain kali tak ada orang nak tolong

6) malas bergaul ---- tak ada kawan hehehehe

7) malas beribadah ---- hmmm paham2 ler

malas dan mcm2 laie malas yg terjadi dlm diri kita

bagai mana hendak menatasi malas, sebenarnya malas ni merupakan satu penyakit yg bahaya. malas itu terjadi sendir melalu rekasi minda kita sebenarnya. kerana kita la yg mencipta malas itu sebenarnya. bagai mana ia berlaku... semua ner datang dr jiwa kita sebenarnya.kerana ia nya datang dalam jiwa kita sendiri kite yg merekanya.tidak ada orang lain yg dapat merekanya melainkan kite sendiri. setiap manusia mesti tidak lari daripada malas. tapi kita buleh mengurangkan ner... ..


Wajarkah, seorang ibu membunuh, memenggal kepala naknya sendiri hanya gara-gara kelaparan???

Adakah keadaan seperti ini pernah atau akan berlaku di Malaysia???

Saya kira keberangkaliannya adalah tidak mustahil, mungkin tidak membunuh anak kerana kerana kelaparan, tetapi membunuh, menanam hidup-hidup kerana melahirkan anak luar nikah.
Kejadian sebegini memang sudah banyak kali berlaku, di kampung saya sahaja di ulu tiram, seorang ibu begitu tegar menanam anaknya hidup-hidup selepas beberapa minit melahirkan bayi tersebut.

Pasangan kekasih yang telah tinggal bersama di kampung sungai tiram selama 2 tahun, tidak dapat dikesan oleh pihak kampung bahawa mereke bersekedudukan selama ini, sehinggalah lahirnya bayi tersebut dan ditanam hidup-hidup.

itupun setelah dia berbasikal sejauh 9 km ke taman bukit tiram untuk memberitahu kejadian tersebut kepada ibunya.

Masyallah... sampai begitu sekali kejamnya seorang ibu pada zaman kini, atau tidak wujud lagi perasaan kasih dan sayang pada anaknya, kerana seorang lelaki yang bergelar kekasih, wanita sanggup membuang perikemanusiaan dan bertindak kejam sedemikian...



Breast Cancer The most common cancer and the number one cause of cancer deaths amongst women in Malaysia is breast cancer.
Breast cancer is the result of an uncontrolled growth of cells within the breast tissue. If not detected and treated promptly, breast cancer can metastasise, spreading to the lymph glands and other parts of the body including the lungs, bones and liver.

Who is at risk?

All women above 20 are at risk of developing breast cancer. There are a number of risk factors that have been identified. Some of these factors include:

Age - the risk of developing breast cancer does increase with age. In fact, 70% of breast cancers occur in women aged 50 and above.

A family history of breast cancer - women who have a mother, sister or daughter who developed breast cancer before the age of 50 are at a higher risk. This risk is further heightened if a woman has more than one immediate family member who has breast cancer.

Previous history of breast cancer - women who have already been treated for cancer in one breast have an increased risk of developing cancer in the other breast.

Early menstruation (before age 12 ) or late menopause (after age 50).

Never having a full-term pregnancy or giving birth after age 30.

Not having breast-fed

High fat diet

Low fibre diet

Being obese in post-menopausal years

Excessive alcohol consumption

Symptoms of Cancer

These are often the first indicator that breast cancer may be present.You should look out for:

1. A lump in your breast that persists after your period.
2. Bleeding or discharge from the nipple.
3. A change in the shape of the breast.
4. Puckering or dimpling of the skin of the breast.
5. New retraction (pulling in) of the nipple.

If you see or experience any of these changes, don't hesitate. See your doctor immediately!

Early Detection Great importance has been placed on the early detection of breast cancer. There are basically 4 methods of early detection.

Breast self-examination (BSE) - Through BSE, you familiarise yourself with your breast and this makes it easier for you to notice any changes. It is recommended for women above age 35 and should be done once a month, between the 7th and 10th day after the start of menstruation. For non-menstruating women, BSE should be done at the same time every month. For women above 35 its is advisable to be examined by a docter every year.

Reporting of breast changes - Any unusual changes to your breast, even after a mammogram, should be reported to a doctor as they may be an early warning sign. This includes the symptoms listed below.

Breast examination by a doctor - For women over age 35 and above, an annual breast examination by a doctor is recommended. If you are going for a mammogram, it would be a good idea to schedule a breast examination by a doctor.

Mammography (X-ray of the breast) - This method can detect breast cancer even before any lumps can be felt. It is especially useful for women between the ages of 50 and 69, and it is recommended that a mammogram should be scheduled once every 2 years. For younger women, because their breast tissue is more dense, the accuracy of a mammogram becomes less certain.


The earlier the breast cancer is detected, the higher the chances of a complete, successful treatment.This may involve:

Surgery - This removes the cancer and some surrounding normal tissue to ensure a margin of safety. There are two ways of doing this:. Lumpectomy - only a small or affected section of the breast is removed..

Mastectomy - here, all the breast tissue is removed. With this type of treatment, a woman can opt to have a breast reconstruction to surgically rebuild the berast.

Radiotherapy - High-powered x-ray waves are directed at the cancer site and surrounding tissue to help destroy any remaining cancer cells.

Chemotherapy - This requires the use of drugs or hormonal therapy to help destroy any remaining cancer cells.

To achieve the best outcome, doctors do sometimes recommend a combination of therapies.

Can you fight Breast Cancer?

As breast cancer can be easily detected, you can do your bit to ensure that if breast cancer does develop, it is detected and treated early. Most women with early breast cancer go on to outlive their disease to live long, healthy and normal lives.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Most Important In Your Life

Love Myspace Comments
What is the most important thing in your life?
I am really interested because I asked a lot of my friends at school and office, and I thought they would all say GOD but many said money, girls/boys, and having a stable future.
What really is most important to you when you look deep?
Mine: first I was just to worried about money and having a happy family, maybe married to handsome, rich & kind hubby,ho~ho~ho~ (^.^)
but thats not the most important thing. I realized I can still be successful but lead a good life. It is a lot more relaxing and is going to be wonderful...
Emm... How about you??? (@.@)