Friday, September 12, 2008

The Most Important In Your Life

Love Myspace Comments
What is the most important thing in your life?
I am really interested because I asked a lot of my friends at school and office, and I thought they would all say GOD but many said money, girls/boys, and having a stable future.
What really is most important to you when you look deep?
Mine: first I was just to worried about money and having a happy family, maybe married to handsome, rich & kind hubby,ho~ho~ho~ (^.^)
but thats not the most important thing. I realized I can still be successful but lead a good life. It is a lot more relaxing and is going to be wonderful...
Emm... How about you??? (@.@)

1 comment:

fajridil adha said...

dah ada blog eh..
leh la singgah2 nnt :)